Our Staff
There is a strong team approach across the school, with excellent positive working relationships. This team approach includes senior leaders, support staff, teachers, governors, health professionals and volunteers. All staff working with the children are highly trained in a wide range of strategies. There is 100% commitment from all staff to ensure all pupil needs are fully met.
Parent Support Adviser
Lianna Filbey
Classroom Environment
All classrooms are well-structured, nurturing and stimulating to encourage learning through play throughout the day. There is a high staff ratio of up to five staff with eight pupils. Highly trained teachers provide a broad and balanced curriculum.
Outdoor Environment
Our inclusive playgrounds provide an amazing sensory experience that provides physical, social and mental challenges. They include: sandpit; two sunken trampolines; swing; roundabouts; spinners; accessible treehouses, zip wire; chalkboards; sensory garden; bikes; games pitch; and a wide range of additional play resources.