Compliance with the Equality Act is consistent with our setting’s aims and equal opportunities policy and SEN information report. Our staff recognise their duty under the Equality Act:
o Not to discriminate against disabled pupils in their admissions and exclusions, and provision of education and associated services
o Not to treat disabled pupils less favourably
o To take reasonable steps to avoid putting disabled pupils at a substantial disadvantage
o To publish an accessibility plan
In performing their duties governors have regard to the Equality Act 2010.
Our setting:
o recognises and values the young person’s knowledge/parents’ knowledge of their child’s disability
o recognises the effect their disability has on his/her ability to carry out activities,
o respects the parents’ and child’s right to confidentiality
The setting provides all pupils with a broad and balanced curriculum that is differentiated, personalised and age appropriate.
It is a requirement that the school’s accessibility plan is resourced, implemented and reviewed and revised as necessary. Attached is a set of action plans showing how the school will address the priorities identified in the plan.
Date of Plan: March 2023. To be reviewed every three years
Definition of Disability
The definition of disability is set out in the Equality Act 2010, Part 6:
‘A physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day to day activities.’
The purpose and direction of the school’s plan: vision and values
At Cherry Garden School we are committed to giving all of our children every opportunity to achieve the highest of standards. We do this by taking account of pupils’ varied life experiences and needs. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum and have high expectations for all children. The achievements, attitudes and well-being of all our children matter. Cherry Garden School promotes the individuality of all our children, irrespective of ethnicity, attainment, age, disability, gender or background.
Our school aims to be an inclusive school. We actively seek to remove the barriers to learning and participation that can hinder or exclude individual pupils, or groups of pupils. This means that equality of opportunity must be a reality for our children:
• Girls and boys;
• Minority ethnic and faith groups;
• Children who are vulnerable;
We liaise with parents and professionals involved with the children to ensure we provide the right care for their needs.
Views of those consulted during the development of the plan
All people consulted value the ability of the school to cater for the differing needs of pupils. No issues were raised on the most recent parent questionnaire.
The main priorities in the school’s plan
We take advice on support needed for children with disabilities and work with experts to ensure they have the support necessary to fully include them in the life of the school.
The action plan ensures that we continue to:
• Increase the extent to which pupils with disabilities can participate in the curriculum
• Improve the physical environment to enable pupils with disabilities to take better advantage of the education, benefits, facilities and services provided
• Improve the availability of accessible information to pupils with disabilities
Accessibility Plan: February 2023 – February 2026
The proposed actions below are in order of priority:
Issue | Action | People/Resources | Timescale | Success criteria | Monitoring method. Who? How? |
For pupils who rely on their wheelchair to access the playgrounds and outdoor spaces, there is no provision for them to have time out of their supported equipment outdoors, in order to further develop their MOVE skills or experience a change in position. | Purchase and install outdoor hoists in three playground areas.
Install additional canopies and ramps in the KS2 playground to allow for the installation and access to the new hoist. |
Premises Manager, Headteacher |
July 2023, subject to external provider availability | Pupils in all key stages will have the opportunity to spend time out of their supportive equipment in the outdoor areas across the school day. They will use this to extend learning opportunities and generalise their MOVE skills. | Premises Manager, Headteacher |
Pupils with additional sensory regulation needs do not have a dedicated space to support their regulation across the school day. A dedicated space, with specialised equipment designed to support sensory regulation, would allow them to more effectively regulate their sensory needs and spend more of the day ready to engage and learn. | With support from the OT, research specialist equipment which would be most suitable to the regulation needs of the school’s cohort of pupils.
Get quotes for the necessary equipment needed for the ‘sensory gym’. Install matting and equipment in the satellite classroom space. |
PD coordinator |
July 2024 | Pupils with sensory regulation needs will have regular, well planned and effective sensory breaks, which impact positively on behaviour and the amount of time spent engaged in learning across the school day. | Premises manager, behaviour/PD coordinator, Headteacher |